Monday, November 8, 2010


so with nothing better to do besides writing up survey questions for my group speech i decide to write a new post on this blog.

today in my multi media class i was recording my voice narration for my project, and i had to say the word "pillow" multiple times. well, after you hear and say it 50 times it starts to sounds pretty foreign. and then the actual word looks wrong and not spelled right and it starts to drive you crazy! who even thought up the word pillow anyways? what a wierd word... anyways, well, that happened until i got over it.
and then! i had the giant headphones on over my ears and i went to delete an icon and the "buzzer" deal goes off telling you "no, you cant do that" and i literally jumped! uh! scared the living daylights out of me! and then i threw the icon away in the trash bin and the crumpled piece of paper sound blasted into my ears and i jumped again! oh goodness it was terrible....i was silently laughing to myself in the little room. :)

i guess that's all....


  1. weird-o. I can totally picture this happening! and yet, I still love you :)

  2. you THIS! is why we are friends. we both thing the other is a weird-o so it's no big deal :)

  3. oops! the first word is suppose to be "see" lol
