i just remembered a dream that i had last night or the night before. i was in the coral reef. but the coral reef was about the water, and it was dying and it was a terrible thing! and i'm afraid that's all i remember. sorry for wasting your time. :) tori doesn't sleep well. she sleep walks which means she doesn't go down and under fully like everyone else. (i knew something was wrong with her! jk :) ) the doctor and mom agreed that it was from the night terrors she would have as a baby. she would be asleep and then just wake up screaming! sounds pretty terrifying to me!!
here mom, this applies to you: "Flying dreams fall under the category of dreams called Lucid dreams. Lucid dreams occur when you become aware that you are dreaming. Many dreamers describe the ability to fly as an exhilerating, joyful, and liberating experience." well duh! mom, isn't this ironic? you are afraid of heights but you fly while in your dreams. interesting.... "another way to interpret flying dreams is that these dreams symbolize your strong mind and will.
the dreams that your being chased in symbolize that in your "walking life" this is how you respond things, you turn and run from them. the things chasing you in your dreams would be a person/attacker, animal, or a monster of some sort. tori, this applies to you. tori is often chased by tigers in her dreams. :) i wonder if its the same one, or if it changes? tori, this website that i'm getting this info from says that instead of running from this tiger, you need to stop, turn around, and confront this tiger and ask it why they are chasing you. if and when you do that, i hope you are still alive in your dream....personally i'm not going to stop and ask a potenial attacker why he is chasing me. dream or no dream! that's just ridiculous!
ok, i think that's all i have on dreams today. sleep tight! :)
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