Saturday, October 2, 2010


so tonight we had a benefit dinner for our young group to help pay for a missions trip to mexico. during the clean up, me and leah ramseyer had a tick-tack-toe game on one of the suede couches by the wall. i won. 2-1. it was quite entertaining.

my uncle had to set up the pack-n-play in my room for miles, and he couldn't find a spot to put it! how embarrassing... hahaha oh well. i'll get around to cleaning it one of these days

my ear is sore. not sure why or how....

my christmas list is out. :) its a pricey one. BUT a much needed one!!! promise. girl scout honor!

it's a fuzzy socks and sweatpants kinda night tonight

1 comment:

  1. I want to see your Christmas list!!! I love seeing other peoples, it gives me such great ideas...your next post...Christmas List attn. Erin.
